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Articles from April 2011

A fast way to release upsets and restore peace of mind

When we get upset, we become full of negative emotion. Unfortunately, we don’t notice this emotion. All see are the circumstances, but the circumstances aren’t the problem. The circumstances are just triggering the emotion. It’s this negative emotion that gets us in trouble.

It destroys our inner peace and our ability to see clearly. It creates tunnel vision and forces us to act in a way that almost always makes our situation worse. This emotion is very destructive and our body naturally wants to be free of it.

The best way to see how our body releases negative emotion is to look at little children. When a child gets hurt, the child cries and cries. Then, after the child finishes crying, the hurt is all gone.

How to create hope when you feel discouraged

I was recently in a state of feeling discouraged. When I looked at what was going on internally, I noticed something interesting. I had lost hope in a situation that was important to me. When you feel that there is no hope in an area that is important to you, you can expect to feel discouraged. You may even feel depressed.

So here is the question. How do you create hope? When you have hope, you have an inner excitement. You feel on top of your circumstances. You are confident and very effective. When you have no hope, your circumstances have total power over you. Confidence and energy disappear. Negativity soars and opportunity gets pushed away.

To create hope, there are several steps you can take. The first step is to free yourself of the negative emotion that is being triggered by your circumstances. Find the hurt that you would have to feel if your fears came true and if your situation could never change. Then dive into this hurt.