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Articles from January 2017

Bullet points on having life work

Life doesn’t just happen. We literally create our lives. We interact with life in a very specific way which produces a very specific result. This is why each person’s life is so different. When you discover why your life is the way it is, you become more able to determine how your life will be. These 15 bullet points will provide valuable insight into your life.

1. The problem areas of life are not the problem
If you have a relationship or any other area of life that isn’t working, there will always be an underlying condition of resisting or hanging on. This makes you defensive and destroys your ability to see clearly. It keeps you from finding solutions and forces you to act in a way that magnifies the problem.

2. We fight the truth
At any moment, the people in your life are the way that they are. The circumstances of your life are the way that they are and you are the way that you are. Everything may change tomorrow, but at any moment, what’s so is always what’s so. The areas of your life that don’t work are areas where you are fighting the truth.

The new year provides a window of opportunity for change

For most of us, the holidays are so full of activities and requirements that we can no longer live our lives the same way. The distractions and influences are so powerful, they pull us out of our reality.

Eventually the holidays end and we go back to our normal lives, but now something is different. Our reality has been disrupted and is a little unsettled. This creates an opportunity to change both our reality and our lives. This opportunity for change gets magnified by the fact that we are entering a new year.

Subconsciously, a new year represents a new beginning. This makes change even easier. If we don’t seize this opportunity and make the changes we want, we will go back to our old reality and repeat the past.