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Articles from February 2022

Imagination creates possibility. Possibility creates direction. Direction makes things happen.

When you discover the possibility of something, you can see what needs to be done. You can then take effective action and can make your life a little better. When you don’t see possibility, you can’t take action and your life stays the same.

Possibility is always there. We just need to look for it. So imagine. What is possible for your life? How do you want your life to be? Invest a few minutes and do some daydreaming. Keep looking and looking. Get clear on what you want. Then go for it.

Why healing your past is the key to your future

The childhood hurt that keeps life from working

Every one of us has a hurt from the past that sabotages our lives today. This hurt makes us defensive and destroys our ability to see clearly. It creates upset and forces destructive behavior. If you have any relationship or any area of life that isn’t working, this area of suffering can be traced directly to the automatic, subconscious avoidance of a very specific hurt.

Here is how it works. When we were young, we were happy, alive, and free, but we soon collided with our culture. We experienced rejection, invalidation, and painful loses of love. Look at your life and notice the hurt that you experienced as a child.