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Why healing your past is the key to your future

The childhood hurt that keeps life from working

Every one of us has a hurt from the past that sabotages our lives today. This hurt makes us defensive and destroys our ability to see clearly. It creates upset and forces destructive behavior. If you have any relationship or any area of life that isn’t working, this area of suffering can be traced directly to the automatic, subconscious avoidance of a very specific hurt.

Here is how it works. When we were young, we were happy, alive, and free, but we soon collided with our culture. We experienced rejection, invalidation, and painful loses of love. Look at your life and notice the hurt that you experienced as a child.

Now look at it from the eyes of a little child. In a moment of deep hurt, we couldn’t help but blame ourselves. “Clearly, I am the problem.” We then created the belief that we were worthless, not good enough, not worth loving, a failure, or some other form of feeling not okay. It was the only explanation that made any sense at the time.

It’s never the truth

It was never the truth, but in the moment of deep hurt, it became our truth. We then spent the rest of our lives fighting the belief that we created. We fight the belief and all the hurt that comes with it.

This turns the belief into a monster and gives it incredible power. Any situation that hints that this is true about us will be perceived as a major threat to our survival. To protect ourselves from this perceived threat, we fight, resist, hang on, and withdraw. We destroy love and create more of the very hurt we are avoiding.

Every relationship and every area of your life that isn’t working is an area where this hurt is being triggered. Fortunately, this is a hurt that can be healed. The moment this happens, the perceived threat disappears. You restore your ability to see clearly and can see what needs to be done. Solutions appear and the problem area starts clearing up.

Healing the hurt

Finding and healing this hurt is one of the most important things you can ever do. Until you heal it, you will be forced to repeat the past and the suffering will continue. Learn more about how this hurt sabotages our lives. Learn how to find it.

If you want to heal relationships, resolve problem areas, and create a great life, schedule a free 30 minute session with me. We can talk about your life and create a plan of action. You can also walk through the healing steps in The Mastery Course.

You can create a great life

It is possible to create a life more wonderful than you can imagine, but you have to know how. There are concepts to learn, issues to heal, and action to take. I can walk you through the steps. Give me a call. We can talk about your situation and create an action plan. I look forward to hearing from you.



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