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A question on the willingness to be hurt

Someone sent me the following question:

“I love your e-course lessons so far. I am having some trouble with lesson #19. I am confused about being willing to be hurt again and again. What situations is it good to do that and which ones aren’t? Thank you for your help.”

Here is my response:

It is always important for you to be willing to be hurt. It is also important for you to be willing for every one of your fears to come true — Not in your actions, but in your heart. In your actions, do everything you can to make sure these things don’t happen, but in your heart, be willing. “If it happens it happens. I’ll deal with it.” This restores the fear and restores your inner peace. You your situation and become far more effective.

The willingness to be hurt and the willingness for your fears to come true are a states of mind. They are totally separate from your actions. “Willingness” is the action that removes the fear, upset and tunnel vision so you can see what action you need to take.

Be willing to be hurt again and again and ironically, the more you are willing to be hurt, the less you will be. The more you are unwilling to be hurt the more you will push away love and create more hurt.

Be sure and read the section on letting go.  Thanks for engaging in the work.

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