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Ground rules for a great life

The key to creating a great life is to learn to live in the experience of love. When this is present, you are happy, alive and free. You feel good about yourself and good about life. You are creative and resourceful. You have a very positive attitude and great things happen around you. When you are in this state, you are living in the light. You are also experiencing the very essence of who you are.

We started out this way but lost it in the process of growing up. Then we entered the realm of fear, upset, and suffering. Now it’s time to get it back. It’s time to live in the light and have your life be as great as it can be. Here are some steps to help accomplish this.

Here are the ground rules:

  1. Be willing to feel your hurt
    On the surface, we resist certain circumstances, but at deeper level, we don’t resist the circumstances, we resist all the hurt that’s being triggered. When you are willing to feel this hurt, your circumstances lose power. You see clearly and become very effective. You also become more able to open your heart and express love.
  2. Trust that you will always be okay
    When you know that you will be okay no matter what happens, life becomes a lot less threatening. You then become more able to flow with whatever happens. You see clearly. Solutions appear and life turns out fine. The best way to create trust is to look at your past. You have had difficult times before and have made it through every one of them. If you are in a difficult time now, you will make it through this one too.
  3. Let go and flow with life
    At any moment, your life is the way it is. When you fight the truth of the way something is, you create a state of fear and upset. You destroy your ability to see what needs to be done and tend to make your situation worse. The moment you let go of the resisting, you see clearly. Solutions appear and this area of life starts clearing up. Effective action can handle a situation, but not the inner state of resisting.
  4. Be willing to be vulnerable
    For most of us, the thought of being vulnerable is scary, but it’s actually our greatest protection. When you are willing to be vulnerable, you radiate love. This in turn dissolves opposition and resistance. When you put up walls of protection, you create opposition and resistance. In your heart, be willing to be hurt again and again, but in your actions, say no when you need to and do whatever you need to have your life be great
  5. Allow yourself to be human
    You are the way you are whether you like it or not. Until you make peace with the way you are, you will never make peace with life. Accept every aspect of yourself, particularly the aspects of you that you don’t like. Own the parts of you called worthless, not good enough, failure and unlovable. Allow yourself to be human. Then see the love and the beauty that you are, just the way that you are.
  6. Forgive yourself
    Guilt is never caused by what we did. It’s something that we add later after seeing the consequences of our actions. To release a guilt, notice that at the time of your actions, you saw life in a very particular way. If you knew then what you know now, you would have acted differently, but you didn’t. So forgive yourself for not knowing. Then notice that you did the best you could with the limited awareness that you had at the time.
  7. Open your heart and express your love
    To create a life of love, you have to open your heart and give love. Accept and appreciate people just the way they are. Be like a child. See the love and beauty in everyone. As you express your love, the people around you will feel empowered and automatically express theirs in return.
  8. Let go of resentment
    Forgiveness is not for the other person, it’s for you. When you resent, a part of you closes down inside. You become bitter and less able to express your love. Resentment is a subconscious tool that we use to avoid our hurt. Once you are willing to feel your hurt, the need for the resentment disappears. You can then forgive. Forgive the person for not being wiser and more aware. Forgive the person for acting consistent with his or her limited ability.
  9. Don’t overspend
    Upsets about money seem to be due to a lack of income, but this is seldom the case. Most people in the world would love to have your level of income. Upsets about money are almost always due to overspending. When spending exceeds your income, you can expect to get upset. To create a life of prosperity, make sure you spend less than you make and appreciate what you have.
  10. Clean up your life
    Make a list of every aspect of your life that isn’t working. Some items are as minor as a squeaky chair. Others are as destructive as a contested divorce, but every item pulls you out of the experience of love. Then start the process of handling each item. Clean up your environment, your relationships, your health, and your finances. Handle every aspect of your life that doesn’t work.
  11. Be positive
    The words you speak and the thoughts you accept create your reality. You then act consistent with the way you see life and life proves your point of view to be true. If you want a life that works, don’t speak negatively or accept negative thoughts about yourself, other people or your life. Don’t speak or think negatively unless you want your words and thoughts to come true.
  12. Find something special to go for
    When you have something special to go for, life becomes an exciting adventure. You have direction and purpose. You also add spice to your life. If you have nothing to go for, life becomes something to endure and a life to be endured is not much fun. What’s possible for your life? Find what it is. Then go full speed to have it come true.
  13. Have your life be about serving
    When your life is about serving and making a contribution, your needs will always be met. When your life is about obtaining your needs, they will forever elude you. Find something more important than you and throw yourself into it. Have your life be about making the world be a better place. Then notice how much more enjoyable your life is.
  14. Seek a connection with God
    Love is your life force. The source of love is God. Seek a connection with God and allow yourself to be guided. Be still and listen. Pray and trust your intuition. Find activities that allow you experience the presence of God and do them often. Give your life to God and learn to love.


It is possible to create a life more wonderful than you can imagine, but it takes looking at life in a very different way. The Mastery of Life Video Course shows you how. You can also attend our weekend workshop, Return To The Heart. This provides a healing and an awareness that permanently changes the way you live your life. Come join us.

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