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The steps for restoring inner peace

There was a day when I was a little discouraged. My work was slow, my thinking was negative, and I was definitely out of the light. To get back in the light, I went for a long walk. During the walk, I saw the key to having difficult times come and go quickly.

The first thing I did was to identify the specific circumstances that I was resisting. I saw that I had a fear of my work becoming slower and slower and eventually ending. This was a painful thought. Then I looked and saw a deeper fear. I saw that I could lose my income. I could become homeless and unable to care for myself. This was a very scary thought.

Then I looked for the hurt that was under my fear. I asked what it would say about me if my fear came true. As soon as I looked, I saw the hurt that was running my life. I saw that if my fear came true, this would prove that I am a worthless loser.

The moment I saw this, all the hurt of being a worthless loser came up. I then felt it willingly like a child. I let it come and I let it go. Suddenly, I experienced a wonderful freedom. In my willingness to feel the hurt, my fear lost its power.

With the fear and upset gone, I experienced a wonderful state of peace. In this peace, I was reminded that the key to dealing with difficult times is always the same. Trust, let go, and keep taking the next step. When you do this, everything works out for the best. Always.

Then I saw another step. We need to get our joy from within, not from our circumstances. As Albus Dumbledore once said, “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light.”

A few minutes later, I stopped at a bench on my walk and turned on the light. I started meditating and let in the joy. In a few moments I was beaming. I was back in the light and life was wonderful once again.

In this state of peace, everything looked different. I saw my situation in a very different way and could see what I needed to do. My circumstances didn’t change, but now I am on top of them.

The next time you are in a difficult time, remember these steps:

• Find the specific circumstances that you are resisting

• Find your hurt and feel it willingly like a child

• Trust that you will be okay no matter what happens

• Be willing for anything to happen

• Keep taking the next step and the next step

• Get your joy back and get it from inside of you

These are the steps to restoring your inner peace and your ability to see clearly. They also have you look in a direction where solutions and opportunity show up.

To learn more about how to deal with difficult times, read the articles and watch the videos.

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