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Why certain areas of your life don’t work

If you have a relationship or any area of life that isn’t working, there is a truth that you are fighting. Something is the way that it is and you are resisting it. Let me explain.

At any moment, your life is exactly the way that it is. The people in your life are the way that they are. The circumstances of your life are the way that they are and you are the way that you are. Everything may change tomorrow, but at any moment, what’s so is always what’s so.

When you are at peace with the truth, you can see your situation clearly and can focus on what needs to be done based on the truth. For example, my wife and I have a cat and that cat doesn’t bark. I can yell at the cat and plead with the cat, but no matter what I do, the cat still won’t bark.

This is the truth and my feelings about it are totally irrelevant. If I am at peace with this truth, I can put my focus on what needs to be done. If I want to hear barking, I can stop pressuring the cat and go get a dog.

Look at the areas of your life that work great. These are areas where you can flow with whatever happens. You may not like what happens, but you don’t get hooked and you can take appropriate action.

Now look at the areas of your life that don’t work. These are area where you are fighting the truth. Notice the direction of your focus. Instead of focusing on what needs to be done based on the truth of the way your situation is, your focus is on fighting the truth.

When you do this, you destroy your ability to find solutions and you act in a way that magnifies the problem. If I am fighting the cat for not barking, I will create a nightmare in my relationship with the cat and there will be no focus on getting a dog.

Every relationship and every area of life that isn’t working is an area where you are fighting the truth. Take a moment and notice that this is true.

So why do we fight the truth? We fight the truth because the truth hurts. It strikes a nerve. I triggers the childhood hurt of feeling worthless, not good enough, not worth loving, a failure, or some other form of feeling not okay.

It’s not the truth that we are this way. It’s just a hurt from the past, but it’s a hurt that runs our lives. The more you are able to heal this hurt, the more you can flow with life and the better your life will work.

Learn how to find and heal this hurt. Learn how to flow with the truth. Get individual support.

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