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Why the past keeps repeating itself

Life doesn’t just happen. We interact with life in a very specific way which produces a very specific result. When you change how you relate to life, you change what happens around you.

Look at your life and notice that there are certain areas of your life that don’t work. These areas of suffering may clear up from time to time, but they keep coming back. They keep coming back because we create them.

These areas may seem to be the problem, but they are not. They are the symptom. If you have a relationship, or any other area of life that isn’t working, there will always be an underlying condition that is creating the problem.

This condition creates a state of fear, upset and tunnel vision. It makes us defensive. It destroys our ability to see clearly and forces destructive behavior. Ultimately, this underlying condition is created and fueled by the automatic, subconscious avoidance of a very specific suppressed hurt. Here is how it works:

When you were born, you were pure love, but you were born into a world that suppresses this state. You then got hurt and got hurt a lot. As a little child, you couldn’t help but blame yourself. “Clearly I’m the problem.” In a moment of deep hurt, you created the belief that you were worthless, not good enough, not worth loving, a failure, or some other form of feeling not okay.

It’s never the truth that we are this way, it’s just an old hurt, but it’s a hurt that totally runs our lives. Any circumstance that triggers this suppressed emotion is perceived subconsciously as a threat. To avoid this perceived threat, we fight, resist, hang on and withdraw. We destroy love and create more suffering.

Every area of life that doesn’t work and every self-sabotaging behavior pattern can be traced directly to this hurt. Finding and healing this suppressed emotion is one of the most important things you can ever do. Until you heal it, you will be forced to repeat the past.

Fortunately, healing this hurt relatively easy. The moment this happens, you restore your ability to see clearly. Solutions appear and life starts clearing up.

The best way to heal this hurt is to let me walk you through the healing process. You can also watch the Mastery of Life Video Course and read the book, Get Your Power Back. To learn more about these underlying conditions, click here.

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