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You can live in the light or the darkness

There are two different realms of life. There is the realm of circumstances and the realm of love. When you are in the realm of circumstances, life has power over you. All you can do is fight, resist, hang on and withdraw. This is the realm of fear, upset and suffering. This is the darkness.

The other realm is one of love. When you are in the experience of love, you are happy and alive. The circumstances of life have no power over you. You have a very positive attitude and great things happen around you. This is the realm of love, joy, peace, happiness and miracles. When you are in this state, you are living in the light.

Although both realms are always present, we have a choice as to which one we live in. Obviously, the opportunity of life is to learn to live in the experience of love. The first step in accomplishing this is to discover on an experiential, heart level, that the light exists. This happens in our weekend workshop, Return To The Heart.

After you have had this awakening, there are a number of things you can do to help you stay in the light. This site covers most of them. The most important is to find things you can do that put you back in the light.

Some people get back in the light by listening to certain music, going for long walks, doing yoga, or being in nature. Others get restored by meditating, reading, or participating in religious services. Find things you can do that restore your inner peace and do them often. The more you do this, the better your life will work.


  1. Jan V says:

    This is such a profound concept yet so simple! Which do I choose? Suffering and seperation or love and connection? I choose the light!

  2. Sue Ferguson says:

    Barnes and Noble gets me in the light…something about being with all the knowledge is a spiritual experience for me.

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