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An example of how we create our lives

We are born with full potential and possibility, but in the process of growing up, we start shutting it down. Here is an example.

Little children have no concept of being dirty. A young child can easily play in a mud puddle and have a great time. But then the mother comes along and is furious at the child. She yells and punishes the child severely. The child then experiences a very painful loss of love.

This hurt is so painful it gets suppressed. This suppressed emotion then becomes associated with being dirty. From that moment on, dirty is considered to be bad and if there is enough hurt, the child can even develop a fear of being dirty. In any event, dirty has just been eliminated as a possibility in the child’s life.

The same thing happens to each of us in very different ways. We get hurt and make subconscious decisions about how we should be. We decide how others should be and how life should be. We think we are observing the truth of the universe, but we’re not. We are creating our truth.

This “truth” then becomes our reality. It determines our actions and shapes our future. We create our lives and never know it.

Life doesn’t just happen. We interact with life in a very specific way which produces a very specific result. As you discover why your life is the way it is, you become more able to determine how your life will be.

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