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Depression – How it works and how to avoid it

Have you ever been depressed? It’s no fun. When you are depressed, you become very negative. You have no energy and no confidence. There is no peace of mind and no hope. You are in a very dark place. Does this sound familiar?

Life is very painful when you are in this state. You lose your ability to find solutions and become very ineffective. Fortunately, there is something you can do about it. You can be free of depression and you can get your life back.

Depression may seem to be caused by your circumstances, but it’s not. It is the result of how you relate to your circumstances. There may also be chemical aspects of depression, but for now, we are just going to talk about the mental aspects.

Here is how it works: Something happens that strikes a nerve. We lose a relationship, a job, or some other major event takes place. These circumstances trigger a childhood hurt of feeling worthless, not good enough, not worth loving, failure, or some other form of feeling “not okay.”

It’s not the truth that we are this way, it’s just a suppressed emotion, but it’s an emotion that we will do almost anything to avoid feeling. Usually, we are able to push this emotion back down, but sometimes the circumstances are so overwhelming, we can’t.

These circumstances are perceived subconsciously as a major threat to our survival. In an automatic attempt to avoid this threat, we act in a way that creates depression.

We do three very specific things that create depression… Continue this article

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