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Letting go: One of the most important skills you can ever learn

Have you ever had a time when you actively resisted something? Then, for whatever reason, you let go of the resisting and said, “The heck with it.” Notice what happened. Instantly, everything changed. The fear, upset, and tunnel vision disappeared. You restored your inner peace and your ability to see clearly. Solutions appeared and this area of life started clearing up.

Life always works when we let go of the resisting. It’s only when we get the ego involved that life stops working. It’s the resisting and hanging on that sabotages our lives. You remove the resisting through a process called “letting go.” To see how the process works, let’s look at the nature of fear.

Fear is an inner state and is created by resisting a future event. The more you resist the future event, the bigger your fear. The bigger your fear, the more you feel threatened. The more you feel threatened, the more you act destructively, which causes your fear to come true.

When you are in a state of fear, you get tunnel vision and lose your ability to see clearly. All you can do is fight, resist, hang on and withdraw. Almost anything you do in this state makes your situation worse. To be free of the tunnel vision and to have a problem area clear up, get rid of the fear.

To have a fear lose it’s power, do the opposite of what creates it. Instead of resisting the future event, be willing for the event to come true — not in your actions, but in your heart. In your actions, do everything you can to make sure your fear doesn’t come true, but in your heart, be willing. “If it happens it happens. I’ll deal with it.”

When you are willing for your fear to come true, the fear loses power. Instantly, the tunnel vision disappears. You see your situation clearly and can see what needs to be done. You become very effective. This is letting go.

Letting go is strictly a state of mind and is totally separate from your actions. Letting go is the inner technique that removes the fear, upset, and tunnel vision so you can see what action you need to take. So be willing. Be willing for your fears to come true and for your situation to never change. Restore your inner peace and your ability to see clearly. Then take whatever action you need to do to have your life be great.

The ability to let go is one of the most important skills you can ever learn. It is one of the keys to creating an incredible life. It’s also easier said than done. To make letting go easier, there are two things you can do. Trust that you will be okay no matter what happens and be willing to feel your hurt. We will talk more about this in the next two newsletters.

If letting go is difficult, let me walk you through the healing process. You can also watch the Mastery of Life Video Course and read the book, Get Your Power Back.

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