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What is transformation?

We have been taught and we believe that happiness and upsets come from outside of ourselves. We then go through life trying to force people and life to be a certain way. We fight, resist, hang on and withdraw. We that think that this will somehow bring us the happiness that we seek, but it doesn’t. Instead, it creates a life of fear, upset and suffering.

On the surface, we avoid certain circumstances, but at a deeper level, we don’t avoid the circumstances. We avoid all the feelings and emotion that get triggered by our circumstances. It’s the automatic avoidance of this suppressed hurt that sabotages our lives. This avoidance creates a state of fear, upset, and tunnel vision. It destroys our ability to see what needs to be done and it forces destructive behavior.

If you could let go of the resisting and be willing in your heart for anything to happen, the fear and upset would disappear. You would see clearly and be very effective. Solutions would appear and the problem areas of your life would start clearing up. Life always works when you let go and trust. You also experience the very essence of who you are.

Who you are, under all the hurt, is pure love, pure creation, and pure possibility. When you are in this state, you are in the experience of love. You are happy, alive and free. The circumstances of your life have no power. You have a very positive attitude and great things happen around you.

When you experience who you are, you will be moved to tears. This is transformation. It takes place when you discover that the circumstances of your life are an illusion and that the only thing that’s real is love. The moment you discover this, your life will never be the same. The rest of your life will then be about developing your ability to live in this state.

As you bring forth this beautiful state of oneness, you create a life more wonderful than anything you can imagine. You also tap into the power of the universe. You can call this power God, love, or the light. It doesn’t matter what you call it. What’s important is to discover that it exists, to connect with it, and to bring it forth into your life. This is the purpose and essence of transformation.  This is also the purpose of our work.

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